Starting from:


Confidence in a "New Me"

My client has regulated her nervous system immensely throughout the years. At this point, she is living life with relative ease, and not many symptoms. 


However, there are still some areas of her life she does not feel confident or sure. Specifically, in situations regarding meeting new people, being in public settings, and standing in her power. She wants to live confidently and authentically, but is not entirely sure how.

In this coaching call, my client and I talk about how to identify where you are still stuck, and what to do about it.


My goal in this episode is to teach her the skills to navigate her new life with ease, especially when she finds herself feeling stuck.

I want my resources to be accessible to all, so I am keeping my prices as low as possible. The 'Pay What You Want' option is enabled for those who are able to give more :)